Best Practice Guidance for the Development of Exercise after Stroke Services in Community Settings

The LLT EfS course is recommended in the Best Practice Guidance for the Development of Exercise after Stroke Services in Community Settings November 2010, which can be downloaded from the Exercise After Stroke Website. This website is part of a Scottish Government funded project to scope the provision of Exercise after Stroke services across Scotland…

Living well with dementia: Guidance for exercise instructors and wellness leaders

Bob Laventure and Claudine Aherne have written three articles for the ICAA on working with people living with Dementia. The BHFNC are currently developing a programme to support those coordinating and delivering services and physical activity programmes for people living with dementia in line with the publication of the National Dementia Strategy in England (and…

Don’t mention the F Word!

Research from Help the Aged (now AgeUK) and the University’s of Southampton & Manchester, examines the attitudes and feelings of older people towards falls prevention services and resources. It explores different approaches and ways of communicating falls prevention messages to older people, as well as ways of encouraging older people to take up falls prevention…

Human Kinetics Books and Courses

Produce innovative, informative products in all areas of physical activity that help people worldwide lead healthier, more active lives. The greatest challenge facing Human Kinetics is to convert all information about physical activity into knowledge–information that people can use to make a positive difference in their lives.

Our Healthier Nation (1999) DoH

The Our Healthier Nation Website is a major gateway to information on all aspects of Saving lives: Our Healthier Nation, the government-wide health strategy for England, published in July 1999. The OHN Website provides links to the wide range of related work across government. It aims to help professionals who are working to improve health…