Improving Stroke Services in Northern Ireland 2008

These Northern Ireland recommendations seek to make improvements in the key areas of prevention; treatment and rehabilitation of stroke patients. Achieving this will require a significant service re-organisation and re-design so that the whole system, including primary, community, secondary, voluntary and independent sectors as well as other statutory bodies, work collaboratively, in partnership to provide…

Dept of Health Stroke Strategy 2007

This national strategy is intended to provide a quality framework to secure improvements to stroke services, to provide guidance and support to commissioners and strategic health authorities and social care, and inform the expectations of patients and their families by providing a guide to high quality health/social care services. The Strategy and related documents can…

Scottish Stroke Care Audit 2009

There is strong evidence that well organised stroke care improves the outcome of patients having a stroke. In Scotland, the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) and NHS Quality Improvement Scotland (NHSQIS) have developed guidelines and standards aimed at delivering that care. New NHSQIS standards based on the new SIGN Guidelines have been published in 2009.…

EfS – Original RCT of the STARTER exercises used in the EfS training on function and quality of life

Published in 2007, the results of a randomised controlled trial comparing with relaxation on physical function and quality of life in people who had been discharged from rehabilitation. The paper describes the background need for an effective group programme for those leaving the rehabilitation setting. The programme, delivered over 12 weeks, 3 times a week,…